On the 5th of December 2021 I reached one year alcohol-free! I started experimenting with being alcohol free in 2017 after a rather boozy evening with an old friend where I drank far too much white wine and felt like death the next day.
A well-known 90-day challenge popped up on my social media and I signed up there and then. My partner jokingly told me I couldn’t do 90 minutes never mind 90 days.
I absolutely love a challenge (and proving people wrong) so I ended up doing about 105 days without booze.
Then Christmas came around and I drank a glass of wine here and there, nothing major. From then I moderated successfully for a while.
Until Covid arrived!
Lockdowns 1, 2 and 3 marked me beginning to drink a little too much and too often (for me).
I woke up one morning after drinking two bottles of wine on my own when I decided enough was enough.
This wasn’t moderation; this wasn’t fun. I decided to pull the plug.
A year seemed like an intimidatingly long time, so I started with 28 days. Then I extended to 90. Then to six months.
Then I thought, sod it! I may as well do a year! I’m was halfway there already; it surely couldn’t be any harder than doing 6 months. I never advertised it anywhere. I only told a few select people I wasn’t drinking anymore (some people called me boring, others were more supportive and encouraging).
I carried on despite what people said.
This was about me, not them.
And so - here I am!
Just over a year alcohol-free.
I can hardly believe it... no more hangovers!
I wanted to thank you guys at Over the Influence for being part of my ‘journey’ (there’s that famous word we all love again).
I love waking up on a Monday and checking out the podcast. It brightens up my day!
In a world where alcohol is everywhere, this platform helps me remember that I’m not alone.
I couldn’t be prouder of myself!