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AF Shopping

Here at Over The Influence we want to do as much as we can to help you with your alcohol-free journey. This shop has been put together to provide you with links to things that could be useful for your AF toolbox, from quit lit to links to courses with the wonderful Andy Ramage - and we'll continue to add to it as we come across brands that we think are worthy! 


Because we'll never try and flog you something that we don't think is good ourselves. All of these links are to tried and tested products that we think helped us with our own AF journeys - of course, if you've got any suggestions for something you should be here then please do let us know!

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When you first give up alcohol, quit lit can be one of the most important tools in your AF toolbox. From first person stories that make you feel less alone like Clare Pooley's fabulous The Sober Diaries to the more scientific books that explain alcohol in simple terms like William Porter's Alcohol Explained, there's so much out there - and if you order your quit lit from this Amazon link, then Jeff Bezos throws a few pence our way!

UNLTD is a wonderful AF beer brand which was founded by the wonderful Johnny Johnson. We first met Johnny a few years ago when he was launching UNLTD and interviewed him on the podcast, and he's such a lovely bloke - we love that he had an idea and then put it in to action, and it's fabulous to see UNLTD going from strength to strength! Order your UNLTD here, personally we love the lager!

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Andy Ramage is one of the biggest names in the alcohol-free space and has been helping people to change their relationship with alcohol for years! He runs a number of different courses (which we've been on and are fab) and you can now book your place through Over The Influence. Whether you want to do some more focussed self improvement or become an AF coach - click here and make a start with our mate Andy!


OK, this one doesn't necessarily help you with your sobriety... But it does mean you'll look blooming great whilst you're doing it! Our OTI Merch has made its way around the globe, and we love seeing where you're wearing your t-shirts or hoodies or drinking your brew from your OTI mug! If you buy something, make sure you take a selfie and tag us in on Instagram - we're @alcoholfreepod! 

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